Job Disclaimer

To all Users/Viewers/Seekers/Finders of this page has agreed to the terms and conditions of the Entrance1 jobs section as they visit page or view or apply or find or share or comment or trust or believe to whole or any part of the Job website.
Entrance1 does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the jobs as true or false as if we upload the information as it was provided to us. We do not verify any jobs or any links inside the page of the job or any part or whole of the job. We upload the job information from the different jobs website and although we take extreme care for accuracy of the information provided. Users/Viewers/Seekers/Finders are requested to verify the job themselves with any other website if any information differs in our website.
We provide the information of jobs 100% free of cost and do not charge money or any other sources or resources from any Users/Viewers/Seekers/Finders. The sign in is only done by providing themselves Email id from the provided elements such as Face book, Google+ or by the verifying own self.
Users/Viewers/Seekers/Finders are requested to sign in themselves before use of the job page hence this is only for the first visit of the Users/Viewers/Seekers/Finders.
We collect the email id of the Users/Viewers/Seekers/Finders because to avoid any misleading Users/Viewers/Seekers/Finders to interrupt or avoid any misusing of the website. We do not share any email id's of the Users/Viewers/Seekers/Finders to any person or the company hence this is stored only for the purpose of Analytics.