Entrance1 Jobs


Defence Research and Development Organisation, Location Jamnagar

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has recently published notification for the post for 81 Apprentice Trainee Vacancies. All job seekers are invited to apply this post. Eligibility detail and the application process is given in the below notification. 

No of Vacancies: 81 Vacancies.

Post Name:-  Apprentice Trainee posts

1. Graduate Apprentice Trainee – 32
2. Diploma Apprentice Trainee – 20
3. ITI Apprentice Trainee – 29 posts

Job Location: All Over India

Late Date to apply or submit job application: 14th September & 21st September 2017

DRDO Recruitment www.drdo.gov.in. 2017

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is an agency of the Republic of India, charged with the military’s research and development, headquartered in India. It was formed in 1958 by the merger. They have set the minimum eligibility requirement criteria in terms of Education, Age Limit and pay scale for fulfilling their current positions.

Educational Qualification:- All Interested Candidates should have completed ITI / Diploma / Engineering Degree or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board/University

How to Fill Online Application Form

Age Limit:- Minimum age require as 18 years and Maximum Age is not specified. For Age, relaxation Check the official notification publish on their official website.

Application Fee:- Application fees required to pay at the time of online form submission Or Demand draft for offline job application. For this job application, you have to pay No Application Fees

Selection Procedure:- After sorting the all candidate’s application form interviewer panel will further Select candidate will be base on the Written Exam, Interview.

Pay Scale:-  Candidates can get salary Rs. 4984/-, Rs. 3542/- per Month

Grade Pay:- No 

How To Apply:- All Eligible job seekers Can Download application Form through official website http://www.drdo.gov.in. After filling application form then attached all relevant documents and attend the walk in interview at the given address below before or on  14-09-2017 & 21-09-2017.



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